Asbestos Removal & RepairOur common sense and cost effective approach to asbestos removal and repair, will soon resolve your asbestos problem |
It's estimated that asbestos is still present in over 2 million homes within the UK and in some of these cases the material has been covered over (e.g. textured coating plastered over, soffits over clad with UPVC). Common locations can be found on What is Asbestos?.
In most cases if left undisturbed asbestos containing materials are not a problem however should you require them to be removed or repaired there is a real risk of potential exposure to you and your family. This is where we come in.
For nearly 2 decades we have gained a wealth of experience providing our services to 1000’s of customers throughout the UK, helping them solve their asbestos problems ensuring that it is regulatory compliant, timely, cost effective and as always with a common-sense approach.
Our HSE license demonstrates that we work to the highest levels of health and safety and permits us to work on all types of asbestos containing materials. All of our staff are fully trained to the highest possible standards and audited frequently, ensuring that all projects surpass industry best practice at all times.
We are an Environment Agency certified waste carrier and all waste is accompanied with a Consignment Note as per current regulations. Once the job is complete, we will issue you with the completed consignment note for your records, giving you the peace of mind that all materials have been disposed of correctly.
Our asbestos services are UK wide with projects being undertaken daily in Staffordshire, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Birmingham, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, West Midlands, Merseyside and North Wales.
Our rates are highly competitive and by the bag or the metre, so you can be assured that you only pay for what we collect. Whether you are a domestic customer and require an asbestos cement garage roof collection, a local authority with asbestos fly tipped waste that needs to be dealt with quickly or require regular asbestos waste collections.